Library Flocq.Pff.Pff2FlocqAux
This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
arithmetic in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING file for more details.
Translation from Flocq to Pff
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
From Coq Require Import Lia.
Require Import Pff Core.
Section RND_Closest_c.
Variable b : Fbound.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable p : nat.
Coercion FtoRradix := FtoR beta.
Hypothesis pGreaterThanOne : 1 < p.
Hypothesis pGivesBound : Zpos (vNum b) = Zpower_nat beta p.
Variable choice: Z → bool.
Definition RND_Closest (r : R) :=
let ru := RND_Max b beta p r in
let rd := RND_Min b beta p r in
match Rle_dec (Rabs (ru - r)) (Rabs (rd - r)) with
| left H ⇒
Rle_lt_or_eq_dec (Rabs (ru - r)) (Rabs (rd - r)) H
| left _ ⇒ ru
| right _ ⇒
match choice (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta (FLT_exp (- dExp b) p) r)) with
| true ⇒ ru
| false ⇒ rd
| right _ ⇒ rd
Theorem RND_Closest_canonic :
∀ r : R, Fcanonic beta b (RND_Closest r).
Theorem RND_Closest_correct :
∀ r : R, Closest b beta r (RND_Closest r).
End RND_Closest_c.
Section Bounds.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable p E:Z.
Hypothesis precisionNotZero : (1 < p)%Z.
Definition make_bound := Bound
(Z.to_pos (Zpower beta p))
(Z.abs_N E).
Lemma make_bound_Emin: (E ≤ 0)%Z →
((Z_of_N (dExp (make_bound)))=-E)%Z.
Lemma make_bound_p:
Zpos (vNum (make_bound))=(Zpower_nat beta (Z.abs_nat p)).
Lemma FtoR_F2R: ∀ (f:Pff.float) (g: float beta), Pff.Fnum f = Fnum g → Pff.Fexp f = Fexp g →
FtoR beta f = F2R g.
End Bounds.
Section b_Bounds.
Definition bsingle := make_bound radix2 24 (-149)%Z.
Lemma psGivesBound: Zpos (vNum bsingle) = Zpower_nat 2 24.
Definition bdouble := make_bound radix2 53 1074.
Lemma pdGivesBound: Zpos (vNum bdouble) = Zpower_nat 2 53.
End b_Bounds.
Section Equiv.
Variable beta: radix.
Variable b : Fbound.
Variable p : Z.
Hypothesis pGivesBound : Zpos (vNum b) = Zpower_nat beta (Z.abs_nat p).
Hypothesis precisionNotZero : (1 < p)%Z.
Lemma pff_format_is_format: ∀ f, Fbounded b f →
(generic_format beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (FtoR beta f)).
Lemma format_is_pff_format': ∀ r,
(generic_format beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) r) →
Fbounded b (Pff.Float (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) r))
(cexp beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) r)).
Lemma format_is_pff_format: ∀ r,
(generic_format beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) r)
→ ∃ f, FtoR beta f = r ∧ Fbounded b f.
Lemma format_is_pff_format_can: ∀ r,
(generic_format beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) r)
→ ∃ f, FtoR beta f = r ∧ Fcanonic beta b f.
Lemma equiv_RNDs_aux: ∀ z, Z.even z = true → Even z.
Lemma pff_canonic_is_canonic: ∀ f, Fcanonic beta b f → FtoR beta f ≠ 0 →
canonical beta (FLT_exp (- dExp b) p)
(Float beta (Pff.Fnum f) (Pff.Fexp f)).
Lemma pff_round_NE_is_round: ∀ (r:R),
(FtoR beta (RND_EvenClosest b beta (Z.abs_nat p) r)
= round beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) rndNE r).
Lemma round_NE_is_pff_round: ∀ (r:R),
∃ f:Pff.float, (Fcanonic beta b f ∧ (EvenClosest b beta (Z.abs_nat p) r f) ∧
FtoR beta f = round beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) rndNE r).
Lemma pff_round_UP_is_round: ∀ (r:R),
FtoR beta (RND_Max b beta (Z.abs_nat p) r)
= round beta (FLT_exp (- dExp b) p) Zceil r.
Lemma pff_round_DN_is_round: ∀ (r:R),
FtoR beta (RND_Min b beta (Z.abs_nat p) r)
= round beta (FLT_exp (- dExp b) p) Zfloor r.
Lemma pff_round_N_is_round: ∀ choice, ∀ (r:R),
(FtoR beta (RND_Closest b beta (Z.abs_nat p) choice r)
= round beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (Znearest choice) r).
Lemma round_N_is_pff_round: ∀ choice, ∀ (r:R),
∃ f:Pff.float, (Fcanonic beta b f ∧ (Closest b beta r f) ∧
FtoR beta f = round beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (Znearest choice) r).
Lemma pff_round_is_round_N: ∀ r f, Closest b beta r f →
∃ (choice:Z→bool),
FtoR beta f = round beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (Znearest choice) r.
Lemma FloatFexp_gt: ∀ e f, Fbounded b f →
(bpow beta (e+p) ≤ Rabs (FtoR beta f))%R →
(e < Pff.Fexp f)%Z.
Lemma CanonicGeNormal: ∀ f, Fcanonic beta b f →
(bpow beta (-dExp b+p-1) ≤ Rabs (FtoR beta f))%R →
(Fnormal beta b f)%Z.
Lemma Fulp_ulp_aux: ∀ f, Fcanonic beta b f →
Fulp b beta (Z.abs_nat p) f
= ulp beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (FtoR beta f).
Lemma Fulp_ulp: ∀ f, Fbounded b f →
Fulp b beta (Z.abs_nat p) f
= ulp beta (FLT_exp (-dExp b) p) (FtoR beta f).
End Equiv.
Section Equiv_instanc.
Lemma round_NE_is_pff_round_b32: ∀ (r:R),
∃ f:Pff.float, (Fcanonic 2 bsingle f ∧ (EvenClosest bsingle 2 24 r f) ∧
FtoR 2 f = round radix2 (FLT_exp (-149) 24) rndNE r).
Lemma round_NE_is_pff_round_b64: ∀ (r:R),
∃ f:Pff.float, (Fcanonic 2 bdouble f ∧ (EvenClosest bdouble 2 53 r f) ∧
FtoR 2 f = round radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) rndNE r).
End Equiv_instanc.