Library Flocq.Core.Ulp
This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
arithmetic in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING file for more details.
Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
Unit in the Last Place: our definition using fexp and its properties, successor and predecessor
From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz.
Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop.
Section Fcore_ulp.
Variable beta : radix.
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
Variable fexp : Z → Z.
Definition and basic properties about the minimal exponent, when it exists
negligible_exp is either none (as in FLX) or Some n such that n <= fexp n.
Definition negligible_exp: option Z :=
match (LPO_Z _ (fun z ⇒ Z_le_dec_aux z (fexp z))) with
| inleft N ⇒ Some (proj1_sig N)
| inright _ ⇒ None
Inductive negligible_exp_prop: option Z → Prop :=
| negligible_None: (∀ n, (fexp n < n)%Z) → negligible_exp_prop None
| negligible_Some: ∀ n, (n ≤ fexp n)%Z → negligible_exp_prop (Some n).
Lemma negligible_exp_spec: negligible_exp_prop negligible_exp.
Lemma negligible_exp_spec': (negligible_exp = None ∧ ∀ n, (fexp n < n)%Z)
∨ ∃ n, (negligible_exp = Some n ∧ (n ≤ fexp n)%Z).
Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }.
Lemma fexp_negligible_exp_eq: ∀ n m, (n ≤ fexp n)%Z → (m ≤ fexp m)%Z → fexp n = fexp m.
match (LPO_Z _ (fun z ⇒ Z_le_dec_aux z (fexp z))) with
| inleft N ⇒ Some (proj1_sig N)
| inright _ ⇒ None
Inductive negligible_exp_prop: option Z → Prop :=
| negligible_None: (∀ n, (fexp n < n)%Z) → negligible_exp_prop None
| negligible_Some: ∀ n, (n ≤ fexp n)%Z → negligible_exp_prop (Some n).
Lemma negligible_exp_spec: negligible_exp_prop negligible_exp.
Lemma negligible_exp_spec': (negligible_exp = None ∧ ∀ n, (fexp n < n)%Z)
∨ ∃ n, (negligible_exp = Some n ∧ (n ≤ fexp n)%Z).
Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }.
Lemma fexp_negligible_exp_eq: ∀ n m, (n ≤ fexp n)%Z → (m ≤ fexp m)%Z → fexp n = fexp m.
Definition and basic properties about the ulp Now includes a nice ulp(0): ulp(0) is now 0 when there is no minimal
exponent, such as in FLX, and beta^(fexp n) when there is a n such
that n <= fexp n. For instance, the value of ulp(O) is then
beta^emin in FIX and FLT. The main lemma to use is ulp_neq_0 that
is equivalent to the previous "unfold ulp" provided the value is
not zero.
Definition ulp x := match Req_bool x 0 with
| true ⇒ match negligible_exp with
| Some n ⇒ bpow (fexp n)
| None ⇒ 0%R
| false ⇒ bpow (cexp beta fexp x)
Lemma ulp_neq_0 :
∀ x, x ≠ 0%R →
ulp x = bpow (cexp beta fexp x).
Notation F := (generic_format beta fexp).
Theorem ulp_opp :
∀ x, ulp (- x) = ulp x.
Theorem ulp_abs :
∀ x, ulp (Rabs x) = ulp x.
Theorem ulp_ge_0:
∀ x, (0 ≤ ulp x)%R.
Theorem ulp_le_id:
∀ x,
(0 < x)%R →
F x →
(ulp x ≤ x)%R.
Theorem ulp_le_abs:
∀ x,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
F x →
(ulp x ≤ Rabs x)%R.
Theorem round_UP_DN_ulp :
∀ x, ¬ F x →
round beta fexp Zceil x = (round beta fexp Zfloor x + ulp x)%R.
Theorem ulp_canonical :
∀ m e,
m ≠ 0%Z →
canonical beta fexp (Float beta m e) →
ulp (F2R (Float beta m e)) = bpow e.
Theorem ulp_bpow :
∀ e, ulp (bpow e) = bpow (fexp (e + 1)).
Lemma generic_format_ulp_0 :
F (ulp 0).
Lemma generic_format_bpow_ge_ulp_0 :
∀ e, (ulp 0 ≤ bpow e)%R →
F (bpow e).
The three following properties are equivalent:
Exp_not_FTZ ; forall x, F (ulp x) ; forall x, ulp 0 <= ulp x
Lemma generic_format_ulp :
Exp_not_FTZ fexp →
∀ x, F (ulp x).
Lemma not_FTZ_generic_format_ulp :
(∀ x, F (ulp x)) →
Exp_not_FTZ fexp.
Lemma ulp_ge_ulp_0 :
Exp_not_FTZ fexp →
∀ x, (ulp 0 ≤ ulp x)%R.
Lemma not_FTZ_ulp_ge_ulp_0:
(∀ x, (ulp 0 ≤ ulp x)%R) →
Exp_not_FTZ fexp.
Lemma ulp_le_pos :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp },
∀ x y: R,
(0 ≤ x)%R → (x ≤ y)%R →
(ulp x ≤ ulp y)%R.
Theorem ulp_le :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp },
∀ x y: R,
(Rabs x ≤ Rabs y)%R →
(ulp x ≤ ulp y)%R.
Properties when there is no minimal exponent
Theorem eq_0_round_0_negligible_exp :
negligible_exp = None → ∀ rnd {Vr: Valid_rnd rnd} x,
round beta fexp rnd x = 0%R → x = 0%R.
negligible_exp = None → ∀ rnd {Vr: Valid_rnd rnd} x,
round beta fexp rnd x = 0%R → x = 0%R.
Definition and properties of pred and succ
Definition pred_pos x :=
if Req_bool x (bpow (mag beta x - 1)) then
(x - bpow (fexp (mag beta x - 1)))%R
(x - ulp x)%R.
Definition succ x :=
if (Rle_bool 0 x) then
(x+ulp x)%R
(- pred_pos (-x))%R.
Definition pred x := (- succ (-x))%R.
Theorem pred_eq_pos :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R →
pred x = pred_pos x.
Theorem succ_eq_pos :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R →
succ x = (x + ulp x)%R.
Theorem succ_opp :
∀ x, succ (-x) = (- pred x)%R.
Theorem pred_opp :
∀ x, pred (-x) = (- succ x)%R.
Theorem pred_bpow :
∀ e, pred (bpow e) = (bpow e - bpow (fexp e))%R.
pred and succ are in the format
Theorem id_m_ulp_ge_bpow :
∀ x e, F x →
x ≠ ulp x →
(bpow e < x)%R →
(bpow e ≤ x - ulp x)%R.
Theorem id_p_ulp_le_bpow :
∀ x e, (0 < x)%R → F x →
(x < bpow e)%R →
(x + ulp x ≤ bpow e)%R.
Lemma generic_format_pred_aux1:
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
x ≠ bpow (mag beta x - 1) →
F (x - ulp x).
Lemma generic_format_pred_aux2 :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
let e := mag_val beta x (mag beta x) in
x = bpow (e - 1) →
F (x - bpow (fexp (e - 1))).
Lemma generic_format_succ_aux1 :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
F (x + ulp x).
Lemma generic_format_pred_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < x)%R →
F (pred_pos x).
Theorem generic_format_succ :
∀ x, F x →
F (succ x).
Theorem generic_format_pred :
∀ x, F x →
F (pred x).
Lemma pred_pos_lt_id :
∀ x, (x ≠ 0)%R →
(pred_pos x < x)%R.
Theorem succ_gt_id :
∀ x, (x ≠ 0)%R →
(x < succ x)%R.
Theorem pred_lt_id :
∀ x, (x ≠ 0)%R →
(pred x < x)%R.
Theorem succ_ge_id :
∀ x, (x ≤ succ x)%R.
Theorem pred_le_id :
∀ x, (pred x ≤ x)%R.
Lemma pred_pos_ge_0 :
∀ x,
(0 < x)%R → F x → (0 ≤ pred_pos x)%R.
Theorem pred_ge_0 :
∀ x,
(0 < x)%R → F x → (0 ≤ pred x)%R.
Lemma pred_pos_plus_ulp_aux1 :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
x ≠ bpow (mag beta x - 1) →
((x - ulp x) + ulp (x-ulp x) = x)%R.
Lemma pred_pos_plus_ulp_aux2 :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
let e := mag_val beta x (mag beta x) in
x = bpow (e - 1) →
(x - bpow (fexp (e-1)) ≠ 0)%R →
((x - bpow (fexp (e-1))) + ulp (x - bpow (fexp (e-1))) = x)%R.
Lemma pred_pos_plus_ulp_aux3 :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
let e := mag_val beta x (mag beta x) in
x = bpow (e - 1) →
(x - bpow (fexp (e-1)) = 0)%R →
(ulp 0 = x)%R.
The following one is false for x = 0 in FTZ
Lemma pred_pos_plus_ulp :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
(pred_pos x + ulp (pred_pos x) = x)%R.
Theorem pred_plus_ulp :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
(pred x + ulp (pred x))%R = x.
Rounding x + small epsilon
Theorem mag_plus_eps :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
∀ eps, (0 ≤ eps < ulp x)%R →
mag beta (x + eps) = mag beta x :> Z.
Theorem round_DN_plus_eps_pos :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R → F x →
∀ eps, (0 ≤ eps < ulp x)%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor (x + eps) = x.
Theorem round_UP_plus_eps_pos :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R → F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ ulp x)%R →
round beta fexp Zceil (x + eps) = (x + ulp x)%R.
Theorem round_UP_pred_plus_eps_pos :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ ulp (pred x) )%R →
round beta fexp Zceil (pred x + eps) = x.
Theorem round_DN_minus_eps_pos :
∀ x, (0 < x)%R → F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ ulp (pred x))%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor (x - eps) = pred x.
Theorem round_DN_plus_eps:
∀ x, F x →
∀ eps, (0 ≤ eps < if (Rle_bool 0 x) then (ulp x)
else (ulp (pred (-x))))%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor (x + eps) = x.
Theorem round_UP_plus_eps :
∀ x, F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ if (Rle_bool 0 x) then (ulp x)
else (ulp (pred (-x))))%R →
round beta fexp Zceil (x + eps) = (succ x)%R.
Lemma le_pred_pos_lt :
∀ x y,
F x → F y →
(0 ≤ x < y)%R →
(x ≤ pred_pos y)%R.
Lemma succ_le_lt_aux:
∀ x y,
F x → F y →
(0 ≤ x)%R → (x < y)%R →
(succ x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem succ_le_lt:
∀ x y,
F x → F y →
(x < y)%R →
(succ x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem pred_ge_gt :
∀ x y,
F x → F y →
(x < y)%R →
(x ≤ pred y)%R.
Theorem succ_gt_ge :
∀ x y,
(y ≠ 0)%R →
(x ≤ y)%R →
(x < succ y)%R.
Theorem pred_lt_le :
∀ x y,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
(x ≤ y)%R →
(pred x < y)%R.
Lemma succ_pred_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < x)%R → succ (pred x) = x.
Theorem pred_ulp_0 :
pred (ulp 0) = 0%R.
Theorem succ_0 :
succ 0 = ulp 0.
Theorem pred_0 :
pred 0 = Ropp (ulp 0).
Lemma pred_succ_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < x)%R →
pred (succ x) = x.
Theorem succ_pred :
∀ x, F x →
succ (pred x) = x.
Theorem pred_succ :
∀ x, F x →
pred (succ x) = x.
Theorem round_UP_pred_plus_eps :
∀ x, F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ if Rle_bool x 0 then ulp x
else ulp (pred x))%R →
round beta fexp Zceil (pred x + eps) = x.
Theorem round_DN_minus_eps:
∀ x, F x →
∀ eps, (0 < eps ≤ if (Rle_bool x 0) then (ulp x)
else (ulp (pred x)))%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor (x - eps) = pred x.
Error of a rounding, expressed in number of ulps false for x=0 in the FLX format
Theorem error_lt_ulp :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) < ulp x)%R.
Theorem error_le_ulp :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) ≤ ulp x)%R.
Theorem error_le_half_ulp :
∀ choice x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x - x) ≤ /2 × ulp x)%R.
Theorem ulp_DN :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R →
ulp (round beta fexp Zfloor x) = ulp x.
Theorem round_neq_0_negligible_exp :
negligible_exp = None → ∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R → (round beta fexp rnd x ≠ 0)%R.
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) < ulp x)%R.
Theorem error_le_ulp :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) ≤ ulp x)%R.
Theorem error_le_half_ulp :
∀ choice x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x - x) ≤ /2 × ulp x)%R.
Theorem ulp_DN :
∀ x, (0 ≤ x)%R →
ulp (round beta fexp Zfloor x) = ulp x.
Theorem round_neq_0_negligible_exp :
negligible_exp = None → ∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R → (round beta fexp rnd x ≠ 0)%R.
allows rnd x to be 0
Theorem error_lt_ulp_round :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) < ulp (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
Lemma error_le_ulp_round :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) ≤ ulp (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≠ 0)%R →
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) < ulp (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
Lemma error_le_ulp_round :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x - x) ≤ ulp (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
allows both x and rnd x to be 0
Theorem error_le_half_ulp_round :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp },
∀ choice x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x - x) ≤ /2 × ulp (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x))%R.
Theorem pred_le :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x ≤ y)%R →
(pred x ≤ pred y)%R.
Theorem succ_le :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x ≤ y)%R →
(succ x ≤ succ y)%R.
Theorem pred_le_inv: ∀ x y, F x → F y
→ (pred x ≤ pred y)%R → (x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem succ_le_inv: ∀ x y, F x → F y
→ (succ x ≤ succ y)%R → (x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem pred_lt :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x < y)%R →
(pred x < pred y)%R.
Theorem succ_lt :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x < y)%R →
(succ x < succ y)%R.
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp },
∀ choice x,
(Rabs (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x - x) ≤ /2 × ulp (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x))%R.
Theorem pred_le :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x ≤ y)%R →
(pred x ≤ pred y)%R.
Theorem succ_le :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x ≤ y)%R →
(succ x ≤ succ y)%R.
Theorem pred_le_inv: ∀ x y, F x → F y
→ (pred x ≤ pred y)%R → (x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem succ_le_inv: ∀ x y, F x → F y
→ (succ x ≤ succ y)%R → (x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem pred_lt :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x < y)%R →
(pred x < pred y)%R.
Theorem succ_lt :
∀ x y, F x → F y → (x < y)%R →
(succ x < succ y)%R.
And it also lies in the format.
Lemma generic_format_plus_ulp :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } x,
generic_format beta fexp x →
generic_format beta fexp (x + ulp x).
Theorem round_DN_ge_UP_gt :
∀ x y, F y →
(y < round beta fexp Zceil x → y ≤ round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem round_UP_le_DN_lt :
∀ x y, F y →
(round beta fexp Zfloor x < y → round beta fexp Zceil x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem pred_UP_le_DN :
∀ x, (pred (round beta fexp Zceil x) ≤ round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem UP_le_succ_DN :
∀ x, (round beta fexp Zceil x ≤ succ (round beta fexp Zfloor x))%R.
Theorem pred_UP_eq_DN :
∀ x, ¬ F x →
(pred (round beta fexp Zceil x) = round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem succ_DN_eq_UP :
∀ x, ¬ F x →
(succ (round beta fexp Zfloor x) = round beta fexp Zceil x)%R.
Theorem round_DN_eq :
∀ x d, F d → (d ≤ x < succ d)%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor x = d.
Theorem round_UP_eq :
∀ x u, F u → (pred u < x ≤ u)%R →
round beta fexp Zceil x = u.
Lemma ulp_ulp_0 : ∀ {H : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
ulp (ulp 0) = ulp 0.
Lemma ulp_succ_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < x)%R →
ulp (succ x) = ulp x ∨ succ x = bpow (mag beta x).
Theorem ulp_pred_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < pred x)%R →
ulp (pred x) = ulp x ∨ x = bpow (mag beta x - 1).
Lemma ulp_round_pos :
∀ { Not_FTZ_ : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(0 < x)%R → ulp (round beta fexp rnd x) = ulp x
∨ round beta fexp rnd x = bpow (mag beta x).
Theorem ulp_round : ∀ { Not_FTZ_ : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
ulp (round beta fexp rnd x) = ulp x
∨ Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x) = bpow (mag beta x).
Lemma succ_round_ge_id :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≤ succ (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
Lemma pred_round_le_id :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(pred (round beta fexp rnd x) ≤ x)%R.
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } x,
generic_format beta fexp x →
generic_format beta fexp (x + ulp x).
Theorem round_DN_ge_UP_gt :
∀ x y, F y →
(y < round beta fexp Zceil x → y ≤ round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem round_UP_le_DN_lt :
∀ x y, F y →
(round beta fexp Zfloor x < y → round beta fexp Zceil x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem pred_UP_le_DN :
∀ x, (pred (round beta fexp Zceil x) ≤ round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem UP_le_succ_DN :
∀ x, (round beta fexp Zceil x ≤ succ (round beta fexp Zfloor x))%R.
Theorem pred_UP_eq_DN :
∀ x, ¬ F x →
(pred (round beta fexp Zceil x) = round beta fexp Zfloor x)%R.
Theorem succ_DN_eq_UP :
∀ x, ¬ F x →
(succ (round beta fexp Zfloor x) = round beta fexp Zceil x)%R.
Theorem round_DN_eq :
∀ x d, F d → (d ≤ x < succ d)%R →
round beta fexp Zfloor x = d.
Theorem round_UP_eq :
∀ x u, F u → (pred u < x ≤ u)%R →
round beta fexp Zceil x = u.
Lemma ulp_ulp_0 : ∀ {H : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
ulp (ulp 0) = ulp 0.
Lemma ulp_succ_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < x)%R →
ulp (succ x) = ulp x ∨ succ x = bpow (mag beta x).
Theorem ulp_pred_pos :
∀ x, F x → (0 < pred x)%R →
ulp (pred x) = ulp x ∨ x = bpow (mag beta x - 1).
Lemma ulp_round_pos :
∀ { Not_FTZ_ : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(0 < x)%R → ulp (round beta fexp rnd x) = ulp x
∨ round beta fexp rnd x = bpow (mag beta x).
Theorem ulp_round : ∀ { Not_FTZ_ : Exp_not_FTZ fexp},
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
ulp (round beta fexp rnd x) = ulp x
∨ Rabs (round beta fexp rnd x) = bpow (mag beta x).
Lemma succ_round_ge_id :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(x ≤ succ (round beta fexp rnd x))%R.
Lemma pred_round_le_id :
∀ rnd { Zrnd : Valid_rnd rnd } x,
(pred (round beta fexp rnd x) ≤ x)%R.
Properties of rounding to nearest and ulp
Theorem round_N_le_midp: ∀ choice u v,
F u → (v < (u + succ u)/2)%R
→ (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) v ≤ u)%R.
Theorem round_N_ge_midp: ∀ choice u v,
F u → ((u + pred u)/2 < v)%R
→ (u ≤ round beta fexp (Znearest choice) v)%R.
Lemma round_N_ge_ge_midp : ∀ choice u v,
F u →
(u ≤ round beta fexp (Znearest choice) v)%R →
((u + pred u) / 2 ≤ v)%R.
Lemma round_N_le_le_midp : ∀ choice u v,
F u →
(round beta fexp (Znearest choice) v ≤ u)%R →
(v ≤ (u + succ u) / 2)%R.
Lemma round_N_eq_DN: ∀ choice x,
let d:=round beta fexp Zfloor x in
let u:=round beta fexp Zceil x in
(x<(d+u)/2)%R →
round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x = d.
Lemma round_N_eq_DN_pt: ∀ choice x d u,
Rnd_DN_pt F x d → Rnd_UP_pt F x u →
(x<(d+u)/2)%R →
round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x = d.
Lemma round_N_eq_UP: ∀ choice x,
let d:=round beta fexp Zfloor x in
let u:=round beta fexp Zceil x in
((d+u)/2 < x)%R →
round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x = u.
Lemma round_N_eq_UP_pt: ∀ choice x d u,
Rnd_DN_pt F x d → Rnd_UP_pt F x u →
((d+u)/2 < x)%R →
round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x = u.
Lemma round_N_plus_ulp_ge :
∀ { Hm : Monotone_exp fexp } choice1 choice2 x,
let rx := round beta fexp (Znearest choice2) x in
(x ≤ round beta fexp (Znearest choice1) (rx + ulp rx))%R.
Lemma round_N_eq_ties: ∀ c1 c2 x,
(x - round beta fexp Zfloor x ≠ round beta fexp Zceil x - x)%R →
(round beta fexp (Znearest c1) x = round beta fexp (Znearest c2) x)%R.
End Fcore_ulp.