Library Flocq.Pff.Pff2Flocq
This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
arithmetic in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING file for more details.
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Core Plus_error Mult_error Operations Sterbenz.
Require Import Pff Pff2FlocqAux.
Open Scope R_scope.
Section FTS.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Hypothesis precisionNotZero : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Hypothesis choice_sym: ∀ x, choice x = negb (choice (- (x + 1))).
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Lemma round_N_opp_sym: ∀ x, round_flt (- x) =
- round_flt x.
Theorem Fast2Sum_correct: Rabs y ≤ Rabs x → a+b=x+y.
End FTS.
Section TS.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Hypothesis precisionNotZero : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Hypothesis choice_sym: ∀ x, choice x = negb (choice (- (x + 1))).
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
End FTS.
Section TS.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Hypothesis precisionNotZero : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Hypothesis choice_sym: ∀ x, choice x = negb (choice (- (x + 1))).
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Let a := round_flt (x+y).
Let x' := round_flt (a-x).
Let dx := round_flt (x- round_flt (a-x')).
Let dy := round_flt (y - x').
Let b := round_flt (dx + dy).
Let x' := round_flt (a-x).
Let dx := round_flt (x- round_flt (a-x')).
Let dy := round_flt (y - x').
Let b := round_flt (dx + dy).
Theorem TwoSum_correct: a+b=x+y.
End TS.
Section Veltkamp.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Variable s:Z.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation round_flt_s :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin (prec-s)) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
End TS.
Section Veltkamp.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Variable s:Z.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation round_flt_s :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin (prec-s)) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
Let p := round_flt (x*(bpow s+1)).
Let q:= round_flt (x-p).
Let hx:=round_flt (q+p).
Let tx:=round_flt (x-hx).
Let q:= round_flt (x-p).
Let hx:=round_flt (q+p).
Let tx:=round_flt (x-hx).
Lemma C_format: format (bpow s +1).
Theorem Veltkamp_Even:
(choice = fun z ⇒ negb (Z.even z)) →
hx = round_flt_s x.
Theorem Veltkamp: ∃ choice': Z→bool ,
hx = round beta (FLT_exp emin (prec-s)) (Znearest choice') x.
Theorem Veltkamp_tail:
x = hx+tx ∧ generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin s) tx.
End Veltkamp.
Section Underf_mult_aux.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable b: Fbound.
Variable prec: Z.
Hypothesis pGivesBound : Zpos (vNum b) = Zpower_nat beta (Z.abs_nat prec).
Hypothesis precisionGt1 : (1 < prec)%Z.
Lemma underf_mult_aux:
∀ e x y,
Fbounded b x →
Fbounded b y →
(bpow beta (e + 2 × prec - 1)%Z ≤ Rabs (FtoR beta x × FtoR beta y)) →
(e ≤ Pff.Fexp x + Pff.Fexp y)%Z.
Lemma underf_mult_aux':
∀ x y,
Fbounded b x →
Fbounded b y →
(bpow beta (-dExp b + 2 × prec - 1)%Z ≤ Rabs (FtoR beta x × FtoR beta y)) →
(-dExp b ≤ Pff.Fexp x + Pff.Fexp y)%Z.
End Underf_mult_aux.
Section Dekker.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec: Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Let s:= (prec- Z.div2 prec)%Z.
Hypothesis precisionGe4 : (4 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin < 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation round_flt_s :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin (prec-s)) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
first Veltkamp
Let px := round_flt (x*(bpow s+1)).
Let qx:= round_flt (x-px).
Let hx:=round_flt (qx+px).
Let tx:=round_flt (x-hx).
Let qx:= round_flt (x-px).
Let hx:=round_flt (qx+px).
Let tx:=round_flt (x-hx).
second Veltkamp
Let py := round_flt (y*(bpow s+1)).
Let qy:= round_flt (y-py).
Let hy:=round_flt (qy+py).
Let ty:=round_flt (y-hy).
Let qy:= round_flt (y-py).
Let hy:=round_flt (qy+py).
Let ty:=round_flt (y-hy).
all products
Let x1y1:=round_flt (hx×hy).
Let x1y2:=round_flt (hx×ty).
Let x2y1:=round_flt (tx×hy).
Let x2y2:=round_flt (tx×ty).
Let x1y2:=round_flt (hx×ty).
Let x2y1:=round_flt (tx×hy).
Let x2y2:=round_flt (tx×ty).
final summation
Let r :=round_flt(x×y).
Let t1 :=round_flt (-r+x1y1).
Let t2 :=round_flt (t1+x1y2).
Let t3 :=round_flt (t2+x2y1).
Let t4 :=round_flt (t3+x2y2).
Theorem Dekker: (radix_val beta=2)%Z ∨ (Z.Even prec) →
(x×y=0 ∨ bpow (emin + 2 × prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (x × y) → (x×y=r+t4)%R) ∧
(Rabs (x×y-(r+t4)) ≤ (7/2)*bpow emin)%R.
End Dekker.
Section ErrFMA_V1.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis Even_radix: Even beta.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Let t1 :=round_flt (-r+x1y1).
Let t2 :=round_flt (t1+x1y2).
Let t3 :=round_flt (t2+x2y1).
Let t4 :=round_flt (t3+x2y2).
Theorem Dekker: (radix_val beta=2)%Z ∨ (Z.Even prec) →
(x×y=0 ∨ bpow (emin + 2 × prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (x × y) → (x×y=r+t4)%R) ∧
(Rabs (x×y-(r+t4)) ≤ (7/2)*bpow emin)%R.
End Dekker.
Section ErrFMA_V1.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis Even_radix: Even beta.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Let r1 := round_flt (a×x+y).
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let alpha1 := round_flt (y+u2).
Let alpha2 := (y+u2)-alpha1.
Let beta1 := round_flt (u1+alpha1).
Let beta2 := (u1+alpha1) - beta1.
Let gamma := round_flt (round_flt (beta1-r1)+beta2).
Let r2 := round_flt (gamma+alpha2).
Let r3 := (gamma+alpha2) -r2.
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let alpha1 := round_flt (y+u2).
Let alpha2 := (y+u2)-alpha1.
Let beta1 := round_flt (u1+alpha1).
Let beta2 := (u1+alpha1) - beta1.
Let gamma := round_flt (round_flt (beta1-r1)+beta2).
Let r2 := round_flt (gamma+alpha2).
Let r3 := (gamma+alpha2) -r2.
Non-underflow hypotheses
Hypothesis V1_Und1: a × x = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 2 × prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (a × x).
Hypothesis V1_Und2: alpha1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs alpha1.
Hypothesis V1_Und4: beta1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec+1) ≤ Rabs beta1.
Hypothesis V1_Und5: r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec-1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Hypothesis V1_Und2: alpha1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs alpha1.
Hypothesis V1_Und4: beta1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec+1) ≤ Rabs beta1.
Hypothesis V1_Und5: r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec-1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Deduced from non-underflow hypotheses
Lemma V1_Und3': u1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 2×prec-1) ≤ Rabs u1.
Lemma V1_Und3: u1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs u1.
Lemma V1_Und3: u1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs u1.
Lemma ErrFMA_bounded: format r1 ∧ format r2 ∧ format r3.
Lemma ErrFMA_correct:
a×x+y = r1+r2+r3.
End ErrFMA_V1.
Section ErrFMA_V2.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis Even_radix: Even beta.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Lemma mult_error_FLT_ge_bpow': ∀ a b e, format a → format b →
a×b = 0 ∨ bpow beta e ≤ Rabs (a×b) →
a×b-round_flt (a×b) = 0 ∨
bpow beta (e+1-2×prec) ≤ Rabs (a×b-round_flt (a×b)).
Lemma ErrFMA_correct:
a×x+y = r1+r2+r3.
End ErrFMA_V1.
Section ErrFMA_V2.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis Even_radix: Even beta.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (3 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Lemma mult_error_FLT_ge_bpow': ∀ a b e, format a → format b →
a×b = 0 ∨ bpow beta e ≤ Rabs (a×b) →
a×b-round_flt (a×b) = 0 ∨
bpow beta (e+1-2×prec) ≤ Rabs (a×b-round_flt (a×b)).
Let r1 := round_flt (a×x+y).
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let alpha1 := round_flt (y+u2).
Let alpha2 := (y+u2)-alpha1.
Let beta1 := round_flt (u1+alpha1).
Let beta2 := (u1+alpha1) - beta1.
Let gamma := round_flt (round_flt (beta1-r1)+beta2).
Let r2 := round_flt (gamma+alpha2).
Let r3 := (gamma+alpha2) -r2.
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let alpha1 := round_flt (y+u2).
Let alpha2 := (y+u2)-alpha1.
Let beta1 := round_flt (u1+alpha1).
Let beta2 := (u1+alpha1) - beta1.
Let gamma := round_flt (round_flt (beta1-r1)+beta2).
Let r2 := round_flt (gamma+alpha2).
Let r3 := (gamma+alpha2) -r2.
Non-underflow hypotheses
Hypothesis U1: a × x = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 4×prec - 3) ≤ Rabs (a × x).
Hypothesis U2: y = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 2×prec) ≤ Rabs y.
Lemma ErrFMA_bounded_simpl: format r1 ∧ format r2 ∧ format r3.
Lemma V2_Und4: a×x ≠ 0 → beta1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec+1) ≤ Rabs beta1.
Lemma V2_Und2: y ≠ 0 → alpha1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs alpha1.
Lemma V2_Und5: a×x ≠ 0 → r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec-1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Lemma ErrFMA_correct_simpl:
a×x+y = r1+r2+r3.
End ErrFMA_V2.
Section ErrFmaApprox.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (4 ≤ prec)%Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Hypothesis U2: y = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 2×prec) ≤ Rabs y.
Lemma ErrFMA_bounded_simpl: format r1 ∧ format r2 ∧ format r3.
Lemma V2_Und4: a×x ≠ 0 → beta1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec+1) ≤ Rabs beta1.
Lemma V2_Und2: y ≠ 0 → alpha1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs alpha1.
Lemma V2_Und5: a×x ≠ 0 → r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec-1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Lemma ErrFMA_correct_simpl:
a×x+y = r1+r2+r3.
End ErrFMA_V2.
Section ErrFmaApprox.
Variable beta : radix.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGe3 : (4 ≤ prec)%Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Let r1 := round_flt (a×x+y).
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let v1 := round_flt (y+u1).
Let v2 := (y+u1)-v1.
Let t1 := round_flt (v1-r1).
Let t2 := round_flt (u2+v2).
Let r2 := round_flt (t1+t2).
Let u1 := round_flt (a×x).
Let u2 := a×x-u1.
Let v1 := round_flt (y+u1).
Let v2 := (y+u1)-v1.
Let t1 := round_flt (v1-r1).
Let t2 := round_flt (u2+v2).
Let r2 := round_flt (t1+t2).
Non-underflow hypotheses
Hypothesis Und1: a × x = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + 2 × prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (a × x).
Hypothesis Und2: v1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs v1.
Hypothesis Und3: r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Hypothesis Und4: r2 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs r2.
Hypothesis Und5: t2 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs t2.
Lemma ErrFmaAppr_correct:
Rabs (r1+r2 -(a×x+y)) ≤ (3×beta/2+/2) × bpow beta (2-2×prec)%Z × Rabs (r1).
End ErrFmaApprox.
Section Axpy.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Hypothesis Und2: v1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs v1.
Hypothesis Und3: r1 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs r1.
Hypothesis Und4: r2 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs r2.
Hypothesis Und5: t2 = 0 ∨ bpow beta (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs t2.
Lemma ErrFmaAppr_correct:
Rabs (r1+r2 -(a×x+y)) ≤ (3×beta/2+/2) × bpow beta (2-2×prec)%Z × Rabs (r1).
End ErrFmaApprox.
Section Axpy.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Variable choice : Z → bool.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Variable a x y:R.
Variable ta tx ty:R.
Hypothesis Fta: format ta.
Hypothesis Ftx: format tx.
Hypothesis Fty: format ty.
Variable ta tx ty:R.
Hypothesis Fta: format ta.
Hypothesis Ftx: format tx.
Hypothesis Fty: format ty.
Hypothesis H1 : (5+4×bpow (-prec))/(1-bpow (-prec))×
(Rabs (ta×tx)+ bpow (emin-1)) ≤ Rabs ty.
Hypothesis H2 : Rabs (y-ty) + Rabs (a×x-ta×tx) ≤
bpow (-prec-2)*(1-bpow (1-prec))*Rabs ty -
bpow (-prec-2)×Rabs (ta×tx) - bpow (emin-2).
Theorem Axpy :
tv = round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) Zfloor (y+a×x) ∨
tv = round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) Zceil (y+a×x).
End Axpy.
Section Discri1.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
(Rabs (ta×tx)+ bpow (emin-1)) ≤ Rabs ty.
Hypothesis H2 : Rabs (y-ty) + Rabs (a×x-ta×tx) ≤
bpow (-prec-2)*(1-bpow (1-prec))*Rabs ty -
bpow (-prec-2)×Rabs (ta×tx) - bpow (emin-2).
Theorem Axpy :
tv = round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) Zfloor (y+a×x) ∨
tv = round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) Zceil (y+a×x).
End Axpy.
Section Discri1.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (1 < prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Let p:=round_flt (b×b).
Let q:=round_flt (a×c).
Let dp:= b×b-p.
Let dq:= a×c-q.
Let d:= if (Rle_bool (p+q) (3×Rabs (p-q)))
then round_flt (p-q)
else round_flt (round_flt (p-q) + round_flt(dp-dq)).
Let q:=round_flt (a×c).
Let dp:= b×b-p.
Let dq:= a×c-q.
Let d:= if (Rle_bool (p+q) (3×Rabs (p-q)))
then round_flt (p-q)
else round_flt (round_flt (p-q) + round_flt(dp-dq)).
No-underflow hypotheses
Hypothesis U1 : b × b ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (b × b).
Hypothesis U2 : a × c ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (a × c).
Hypothesis Zd : d ≠ 0.
Lemma U3_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a × c ≠ 0 → p - q ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 2×prec) ≤ Rabs (round_flt (p-q)).
Lemma U4_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a × c ≠ 0 → p - q ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs d.
Lemma format_dp : format dp.
Lemma format_dq : format dq.
Lemma format_d_discri1 : format d.
Lemma U5_discri1_aux : ∀ x y e, format x → format y
→ (emin ≤ e)%Z → bpow e ≤ Rabs x → bpow e ≤ Rabs y
→ round_flt (x+y) ≠ x+y
→ bpow e ≤ Rabs (round_flt (x+y)).
Lemma U5_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a×c ≠ 0 →
round_flt (dp - dq) ≠ dp - dq →
bpow (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (round_flt (dp - dq)).
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (b × b).
Hypothesis U2 : a × c ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (a × c).
Hypothesis Zd : d ≠ 0.
Lemma U3_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a × c ≠ 0 → p - q ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 2×prec) ≤ Rabs (round_flt (p-q)).
Lemma U4_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a × c ≠ 0 → p - q ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + prec) ≤ Rabs d.
Lemma format_dp : format dp.
Lemma format_dq : format dq.
Lemma format_d_discri1 : format d.
Lemma U5_discri1_aux : ∀ x y e, format x → format y
→ (emin ≤ e)%Z → bpow e ≤ Rabs x → bpow e ≤ Rabs y
→ round_flt (x+y) ≠ x+y
→ bpow e ≤ Rabs (round_flt (x+y)).
Lemma U5_discri1 : b × b ≠ 0 → a×c ≠ 0 →
round_flt (dp - dq) ≠ dp - dq →
bpow (emin + prec - 1) ≤ Rabs (round_flt (dp - dq)).
Correctness of d
Theorem discri_correct_test :
Rabs (d-(b×b-a×c)) ≤ 2× ulp_flt d.
End Discri1.
Section Discri2.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (4 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Rabs (d-(b×b-a×c)) ≤ 2× ulp_flt d.
End Discri1.
Section Discri2.
Variable emin prec : Z.
Hypothesis precisionGt : (4 ≤ prec)%Z.
Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }.
Hypothesis emin_neg: (emin ≤ 0)%Z.
Notation format := (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation round_flt :=(round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) ZnearestE).
Notation ulp_flt :=(ulp radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec)).
Notation bpow e := (bpow radix2 e).
Let p:=round_flt (b×b).
Let q:=round_flt (a×c).
Let dp:= b×b-p.
Let dq:= a×c-q.
Let d:= if (Rle_bool (round_flt (p+q)) (round_flt (3×Rabs (round_flt (p-q)))))
then round_flt (p-q)
else round_flt (round_flt (p-q) + round_flt(dp-dq)).
Let q:=round_flt (a×c).
Let dp:= b×b-p.
Let dq:= a×c-q.
Let d:= if (Rle_bool (round_flt (p+q)) (round_flt (3×Rabs (round_flt (p-q)))))
then round_flt (p-q)
else round_flt (round_flt (p-q) + round_flt(dp-dq)).
No-underflow hypotheses
Hypothesis U1 : b × b ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (b × b).
Hypothesis U2 : a × c ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (a × c).
Hypothesis Zd : d ≠ 0.
Lemma format_d_discri2 : format d.
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (b × b).
Hypothesis U2 : a × c ≠ 0 →
bpow (emin + 3 × prec) ≤ Rabs (a × c).
Hypothesis Zd : d ≠ 0.
Lemma format_d_discri2 : format d.
Correctness of d